The Arc Flash Safety Training (NFPA 70E) course offers a comprehensive overview of the risks associated with working near or on electrical conductors and equipment, focusing particularly on arc flash hazards and the regulatory obligations for safeguarding employees from these dangers. An arc flash is a phenomenon in which electric current deviates from its intended path, moving through the air from one conductor to another or to the ground. This event is typically violent, emitting thermal radiation (heat) and intense light that can cause severe injuries or fatalities.
Upon completion of the Arc Flash Safety Training (NFPA 70E) course, participants will be able to:
- Define an arc flash and grasp the associated hazards.
- Comprehend the correlation between OSHA regulations and NFPA standards.
- Understand the concept of an “electrically safe work condition” according to NFPA 70E.
- Explain insulation, guarding, and grounding as strategies for controlling arc flash and other electrical hazards.
- Describe the attributes of arc-rated clothing and comprehend the criteria for selecting suitable personal protective equipment (PPE).
- Understand the principles for the safe utilization and upkeep of portable electric tools.
- Explain category (CAT) ratings for test instruments.
- Describe the specifications for labeling electrical equipment.